Saturday, November 14, 2015

Paris brisée, Paris martyrisée mais ... Paris! Paris! Nous sommes tous Parisiens.

Nous en avons vu des bien pires et nous avons survecu, et nous avons continuer a prosperer. Meme si aujourd'hui nous sommes a genoux, meme si aujourd'hui nos larmes debordent, meme si l'emotion est trop forte pour etre immediatement traduite en mots. Nul ne doit douter que nous emergeront de cette tragedie encore plus forts, plus resplendissants, LA PERLE DU MONDE ENTIER.

Vive Paris!

Vive la France!

Friday, November 13, 2015

In Memoriam - Alexandre Grothendieck

This linked article is written to honor his memory. May he rest in peace.
He was truly, the greatest mathematician of the 20th century.


A talk at Institut de Hautes Etudes Scientifiques providing an overview of the mathematics of Grothendieck

One of the rare instances of recorded voice of Grothendieck speaking on the meaning and value of scientific research in the context of rejecting research for the development of nuclear weapons:

Recent testimony from a variety of Grothendieck contemporaries (Courtesy Tony Iarrobino)/
Articles in AMS Notices :