Saturday, September 19, 2009

Op-Ed Columnist - No, It’s Not About Race -

Op-Ed Columnist - No, It’s Not About Race - "For example, for generations schoolchildren studied the long debate between Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians. Hamiltonians stood for urbanism, industrialism and federal power. Jeffersonians were suspicious of urban elites and financial concentration and believed in small-town virtues and limited government. Jefferson advocated “a wise and frugal government” that will keep people from hurting each other, but will otherwise leave them free and “shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned.”"

This Hamiltonian Vs. Jeffersonians divide which has recently been stated as Blue Vs. Red states is a very rational behavior even though it does not seem so a priori and can be explained via population density and the holistic theorem: The more concentrated a population, the more it makes sense for it to seek government intermediation. The more people there are, the more government intervention makes sense, on a linear cost bringing in quadratic benefits basis.

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