Friday, March 13, 2009

John Stewart Vs. Jim Cramer

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart | Stewart vs. Cramer:
A few thoughts:

1) "Is collective responsibility an alibi?"

This topic of my high school philosophy dissertation exam seems to me like something that out to be debated or revisited here. All the culprits in the present crisis seem to think collective responsibility is an alibi. I differ.

How at the very least about a journalistic or governmental effort to search and single out the heroes?

2) "It is much easier for a man to fail conventionally than to stand against the crowd and speak the truth" John Maynard Keynes

The usual expectation is that the one(s) who stood against the crowd and spoke the truth at great cost to themselves would reap the benefits when convention fails.

Painful as it was to watch for Mr. Cramer, I suspect he is still going to be having his show and make even more money "head he wins, tail you loose".

I have spent a decade on BICs, and BICs would have helped and can still help get out of this... And here am I, just as pitiful, out of the public sight and out of the public mind.

Where is the morality of all of this?

3) Is it time to debunk the Financial Investment Equity Risk Premium Fallacy
which says over the long term stocks outperform bonds?

(1976 Ibbotson Brinson) .See also:
How about saying "Lies, damned lies, and statistics"

I bet that buying government I-Bond (inflation bonds) would yield a better return net of management fees and taxes than the large majority of index funds.
But saying that would destroy the entire financial advisory industry. So let's keep it quiet....

4) Finance and Economics is a complex and serious business that must be handled with nuance, intellectual sophistication that can sound very boring to simply minded persons; by attempting to be simplistic and entertaining to attract huge audiences, CNBC & Cramer dig for themselves huge holes in which they ultimately fall

The Stewart clip evidence against Cramer:

CARLY SIMON - YOU'RE SO VAIN referred to by stewart in the interview

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